Exploring Medicine & Dentistry
Investigating the Oral/Systemic Connection
Recent Articles
Getting to the Root of the Root Canal Controversy: Facts vs Ideology
All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Stephen Barrett and Quackwatch
Stephen Barrett again added my name to his Quackwatch website. Barrett states: "The Toxic Tooth claims that "Overwhelming scientific evidence shows that virtually all root canal-treated teeth are still infected and slowly and continually leak disease-causing...
Root Canal or Implant, What Should I Do?
After every article that I have either written myself, or have read by other authors regarding the systemic risks of root canal-treated teeth, the same questions continue to surface: “So stop having root canals? What are we supposed to do?” “Are all root canal-treated...

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